Sunday 16 June 2013

Pre- Departure Course Fun

Hey everyone I'm blogging from London!

We are currently occupying a lovely little building in Gilwell park scout center. It's been amazing so far meeting all the other volunteers as well as finally meeting Chris, my project partner. We have been getting loads of information and managed also to see Ali and Mariana our project manager and partner organisation representative. The topics covered so far have been expectations, our roles, safety, the history of the organisation and on and on...

I defiantly feel more prepared and I feel like i may not fail completely which is always good. Everyone here is so different but we all share a passion for engineering. One of the most interesting thing I have learnt so far is about project motivations. They are either spawned from love or from anger, I thing my motivations are are about love and sharing it with other people as well as my time and my skills and ideas. Hopefully I will feel the same at the end of the project.

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