Thursday 6 June 2013

Time flies

So it's starting to get very real. I have booked my flights (baring a little £230 mishap with me getting the wrong month and having to make mad frantic calls to get it changed) and in 24 short days i'll be off. Today I was organising all my documents for my visa application, having never done one before this was quite interesting the letter of invitation from the King was AWESOME! I feel so wanted.

I'm picking up more practical items like clothes and contact lenses and thinking about what shampoo to take :D, I actually had a great trip to Go Outdoors where I tried on backpacks and looked a microfiber towels ( sad I know).
With regards to feelings I'm alternating between completely terrified and oddly optimistic. I've been stabbed in the arm so much i'm getting used to that dull pain that feels like I've permanently got a large bruise or a dead arm. And I'm feeling like i may not get a horrible illness and die, which is a good thing.

Fundraising has been great i'm just £232 short, also I got my first completely anonymous donation, very cool.  I can't imagine who it is but it's got me very intrigued.

Well that's it for now i have my training in 2 weeks, and then it's bye bye England.

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