Friday 2 August 2013

My Cameroon statistics

So I have officially been a Cameroonian resident for 33 days. So I feel like we should put some statistics to this:

Day 2

Days spent in Bambui: 31
Number of Hot showers: 1
Number of bucket and kettle showers: 15
Number of whole chickens consumed: 7 (approximately)
Number of whole fishes consumed: 8 (approximately)
Number of times I’ve eaten street food: 3
Days off (officially): 3 not including Sundays
Number of malaria tablets consumed: 37 (two were accidents)
Number of times I’ve cleaned my room: 1
Number of times I’ve been drenched by rain (even though I should know better): 4
Number of Blackouts: 12 (one lasting all day)
Number of days with water shortage: 31 days (usually in the morning only)
Number of days I’ve been sick: 1 (through my own fault)
Number of Cameroonian Football matches I’ve seen: 2
Amount of money I’ve spent: £50
Number of alcoholic beverages: 1 (and a cheeky glass of red) (hopefully this will increase after I finish my work)
Number of impromptu speeches: 20 at least
Number of times I’ve forgotten who people are: at least 25
Number of cameronians who have seen me in my PJ’s: 15 (they wake up very early, and who gets dressed for breakfast)
Number of days left of work: 41
Numbers of days till my return to the UK: 57

All these facts have been roughly approximated from my vague memories of July but with the beginning of August hopefully we will some of them increase (hot showers!) and at least one decrease (days till I’m back home).

Day 33

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