Sunday 22 September 2013

Our last week

The last week in Bambui has been hectic to say the least any idea of finishing our reports has been abandoned. The arrival of Tom in Bambui who came to work with the eco tourism centre to improve their treks, has made the house very busy. We have also been inundated with people who want to see us and talk to us and say their goodbyes. We kept going into BAWA but it felt every day I was going backwards and forwards to somewhere or another. Actually I got a wonderful surprise on Tuesday the package my mum sent me months ago finally arrived so I was full of happiness and chocolate!

We had our final meeting with crysantus on Wednesday where we talked through the projects.

Then dinner at Mr Valentines on Thursday.

Mr Valentine and his wife Eunice

Their house 

On this evening I had to do the one thing that I had been dreading each Achu. It’s the traditional Bambui meal and its mashed cocoyams and banana mash where you pour in cold yellow soup which contains cow skin. Luckily the one I had was hot, it had real meat in and I only had a baby portion but it was still an effort. It's also eaten with two fingers.

 We also got a nice surprise from the BAWA staff.

A traditional tunic however on me it was more like a dress!

We also were given some jewellery to finish off our outfits.

But apparently my headscarf needed changing so the Chairmans daughter helped me out.

I'm a proper Bambui Princess now! 

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